What follows are some basic examples in PHP and JavaScript of how to work with the data that the Justfields JSON endpoint serves. JSON is a very common format that is supported by all modern programming languages, so chances are your favorite programming language also can work with it.
$fields = json_decode(file_get_contents('https://justfields.com/project/1bvE8yWw/json'), TRUE);
echo '<h1>' . $fields['example_group']['page_title'] . '</h1>';
foreach( $fields['example_group']['teammembers'] as $teammember):
echo $teammember['name'] . ' (' . $teammember['position'] .')<br>';
Live Codepen example can be found here: https://codepen.io/bramchi/pen/bGpKKYX
.then( response => response.json() )
.then( function ( data ) {
data.example_group.teammembers.forEach( function( teammember ){
console.log(teammember.name, teammember.position)
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